Top Mobile Marketing Strategies That Drive Organic Traffic to Your Website

3 min read
Oct 24, 2016 9:54:57 AM

Let's face it. There's a 91% chance that you're reading this on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet).  And it's  81% likely  that you have landed on this web page organically through a search engine like Google.

The point? Well, that means this article might have ranked high on your search engine result page (SERP) based on the words you used in your search. In other words,  search engine optimization (SEO) helped you get here.

mobile strategies

Did You Know?

Organic traffic is the #1 driver of quality visitors to content web pages.

Unlike paid search ads (PPC), organic traffic doesn't cost a thing and it's essentially based on what people are looking for.

[DOWNLOAD]  Are you committing SEO mistakes that are ruining your website's ranking with  Google? Learn 10 SEO mistakes you should avoid.

So what does all of this mean for your organization? Basically, people who find your product or service organically via a search engine are more likely to turn into quality leads. So your brand has greater opportunity to create long-lasting relationships with your customers.

But there's one thing you need not forget! Does the word 'mobile-friendly' mean anything to you?

Mobile Search vs. Desktop Search

Without question, mobile usage is a marketing industry game-changer. Marketers are scrambling just to keep up with new mobile marketing strategies that holds fast to the way people now search and consume information, including the speed at which they consume it, especially with SERPs.

As more people are browsing on the go, desktop usage has not only dropped, but mobile search habits have actually transferred over to desktop too!

What Does This Mean for You and Your Business Marketing Strategy

Your marketing strategies need to include mobile in addition to desktop. Consider the following mobile user behaviors when planning your marketing strategies to drive organic traffic and increase your ROI.

  • Searchers are now scanning information vertically instead of horizontally.
  • Only the first page of search results is looked at. Make sure to get your main message across first.
  • An average user takes 1.3 seconds to browse a SERP (down from 2.6 seconds).
  • 57% of clicks go to the top four organic listings, so make sure you're using SEO best practices.

A responsive website that's optimized for mobile user experience will bring better business results.

Look around you. Who isn't on some kind of mobile device nowadays? Responsive design is no longer an innovation but necessary to implement in all of your digital plans. You don't want to lose a prospect to your competitor just because they had trouble accessing or reading your website on their small screen. 

How to Create Mobile-Friendly Content

By providing educational and relevant content to your leads, they will consider the value of your product and service. Here are a few ways to tailor your content to mobile.

51% of people rely on content research to make purchasing decisions.

Loading Time Affects Your Bottom Line

The speed of your website can make or break a user's experience on your site. Make sure it loads for mobile users in 3 seconds or less.

Format your content for small screens

Use bullet points, leave plenty of whitespace, keep paragraphs very short, and break up text with images to keep readers engaged.

Test, Test, Test!

Test how everything on your site behaves on mobile and evaluate if it delivers an optimal mobile user experience (you should be doing this for desktop too). You can even go on Google and type in search 'mobile-friendly test' to get the below quick and easy tool. Simply enter your site's URL and run the test!


Want more great tips? Check out ways to optimize your content for mobile in this Forbes article.

Don't just stick to blogs or articles. Diversify your content with infographics, webinars, eBooks, and even videos. And remember to prioritize content so that the most important information is strategically placed at the top to keep readers engaged and interested right off the bat.

SEO Strategy You Can Bank On

Now that you know that SEO increases your site's visibility and improves your search engine rankings, how can you make sure your business appears at the top of Google's listings? It's important to plan out and plug in your industry's keywords into your content so that users can find you easily. Here's how.

Make a list of search terms, keywords, and phrases your target audience would use when typing a query in a search engine. Beware of keyword stuffing! This online faux pas will get you in trouble if Google catches on (your site will be demoted in ranking, even removed all together!)

Safe tip: add the keyword(s) to your photos to make them searchable too.

The Beginning of Your Victorious SEO Journey...

These are just some of many ways you can drive organic traffic to your site. To learn more on how to increase leads, traffic, and sales to your website, download our free guide below!

  website must haves

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