for health information in the past year. With that many potential customers online, it only makes sense for you to spend time and effort on a fantastic digital marketing strategy for your healthcare organization. So, what does that entail? It really comes down to superb content creation produced by a skilled healthcare writer. Here, we’ll explain how to find one!
There’s one key criterion that all patients are looking for: expertise. They want to be secure in their knowledge that your healthcare organization has the know-how to keep them safe and healthy. So, it’s essential to prove your worth to your potential patients. The organizations succeeding in generating a buzz online have become a trusted industry leader and resource of valuable information. They create content that connects people with solutions to their problems and insight into their concerns. Writing blogs, white papers, and other helpful content doesn’t just position you as a thought leader in the industry; it also proves to your patients that you know what you’re talking about. Plus, you can send out healthcare emails to make sure your patients get the content that’s the most relevant to their own health and interests.
This is all well and good, but producing helpful, strategic, and engaging healthcare content consistently is easier said than done. The inbound marketing methodology is rooted in remarkable content creation, and the only way to effectively deliver is to hire a professional writer who, first of all, simply knows how to write smart marketing content and also can successfully grasp and depict what your healthcare organization wants to say. Should you hire a writer who specifically has healthcare writing experience or should you hire a writer who has the proven aptitude to write awesomely for any industry after conducting extensive research? The answer may vary, based on your level of personal comfortability, but we’d answer yes to both options.
Achieving a positive and influential reputation online is the result of a carefully executed strategy. So, you should make sure that your potential healthcare writer has a robust plan in mind. Furthermore, it’s absolutely crucial in this industry that your content is compliant. Here are some best practices to ensure that your healthcare writer follows the rules but can still create engaging content:
Hold compliance briefings - As the digital landscape evolves, the Joint Commission is releasing updated rules and regulations for accredited organizations. And, as compliance changes, legal teams should hold meetings to keep marketers in the loop.
Develop a review process - After your marketing department has completed a 20-page eBook, it's not the first time your organization’s regulatory committee should be hearing about the project. By developing a process that includes regulatory teams early in content development, marketing departments can avoid gridlock later down the line.
Create internal guidelines - In addition to FDA regulations, healthcare providers should have their own internal living reference document including guidelines for social media and content.
By working closely with regulation and legal teams to develop creative and compliant owned content, healthcare providers can successfully and safely engage with prospects and patients. So, whether your writer has worked in healthcare for years or they’ve dug deep and nailed the content direction right off the bat, it’s initially important to make sure that you employ someone who:
Can write about anything and make it sound awesome
Listens and understands direction well
Conducts extensive research (including compliance guidelines)
Uses creativity and intuition in their content strategy
These are the most important qualities to look for when searching for your ideal healthcare content creator, so keep them in mind and start paving the way for notable digital recognition, driven by your impressive healthcare content!
Want more tips on how to execute an effective content strategy and attract new patients? Learn everything you need to know in our free guide!