It's that time again – time to reflect on what in the world went on this past week in our Prominent Post-its! Read on to get our unique take on where things are at.
Democratic Debate 2015
The Democratic debate was held this week. The fab five included: Jim Webb, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, and Lincoln Chafee. They chirped about Hillary's baggage, gun control, Syria, income equality, and the cruel reality known as student loans. So, who did the best? According to the polls, it looks like people are feelin' the Bern; but, according to CNN (owned by Time Warner Cable, which helps to fund Clinton's campaign), Hill tops all. Regardless, we've got bundles to ponder regarding democracy.
Twitter CEO on Top... Again
Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, recently told the company that more than 300 people are going to get fired. And, he took over the top job once again. Cool? Hopefully Dorsey will be enhancing Twitter's product offerings to capitalize on the real-time nature of the service and help its userbase become more mainstream. If the "lean" route is the way to do it, you go, Jack.
Wally World Dwindling?
The retail giant said its earnings will dip it low next year. Walmart says that’s thanks in big part to a pay increase it announced earlier this year. The retailer is raising the minimum wage for most workers to $10 an hour. It also said it’s pumping the brakes on store expansions. This mean really bad Walmart stock – the worst in decades. So, what's going to happen to Wally World as we know it? Who knows, but save your nickels and dimes.
Lamar Odom in Critical Condition
Former basketball star, Lamar Odom, is currently in critical condition after an over-the-top bender at a brothel. Sadly, the first thing that comes to most Americans' minds is: Is Khloe with him? Yes, ex-wife Khloe Kardashian, along with her mother and sisters, have brought the circus to the hospital room. But, the Kardashian family kindly flew out Odom's family members and Khloe reportedly has not left his side. Most recently, Lamar came out of his coma and uttered a couple words to her, which means that things are looking up. Odom's friends and teammates have been showing much support, as well. The fans care.
Suing For Hugging Too Hard
This story is pure gold. This past week, a woman named Jennifer Connell said she's suing her nephew for hugging her too hard at his eighth birthday party. She claimed that the injury had a majorly negative impact on her life – for instance, she recently had trouble holding an hor d'oeuvre plate. The jury ruled Tuesday that the boy, now 12, was not liable for the injury. Nice try, Connell. Need a hug?
That's how it all went down. Want to read more of our informative (and entertaining!) blog?