The good thing about blogs is that anyone can have one. The bad thing about blogs is that anyone can have one!
That means that there are a lot of blogs out there on the Internet. According to Statista, as of October 2015, there are 260.5 million blogs online. That is A LOT of blogs!
With so many blogs out there, what distinguishes the good from the bad, the read from the unread? Is there such a thing as the perfect blog? Let’s take a look.
Does One Size Fit All?
Let’s be honest, there is always going to be a difference of opinions regarding what constitutes the perfect blog post. With that in mind, we researched various sources and used our knowledge of marketing and social media to compose this list of the top criteria to consider.
Visual Appeal: Before you even get to content and SEO, it is important that your blog be visually appealing. You don’t have to be a graphic designer to achieve this: think clean and clear, easy-to-read font, and intuitive graphics. Once someone lands on your page, how it looks will either keep them there or immediately turn them off. Be sure the organization makes sense and that it is easy to navigate.
Find Your Voice: Have you ever read a blog and felt like the voice was that of Charlie Brown’s teacher? Wah, wah, wah, wah. Not very appealing. What readers want—and what often keeps them coming back—is your unique writing voice. Are you serious, humorous, sarcastic, playful, etc.? Don’t just regurgitate info, talk to your readers in a way that will feel like a conversation, not a lecture. Readers want a friendly, unique tone.
Content and Information: We have heard it 5 million times, ‘content is king’! But what does that really It means that you must have information on your blog that people care about. It is not so much the subject matter, but that the information is useful, informative, and fresh. It means that people have to care about what they are reading (or they won’t read it). It is okay to quote other sources or reference other sites, but you must have a purpose for doing so: does it support a point you are trying to make or contain additional details the reader will enjoy? Be sure it has purpose and is not just a lazy link.
The ‘It’ Factor: Just as some people have ‘it’ and some people don’t, some blogs have ‘it’ and some don’t. There is an elusive ‘it’ factor, that je ne sais quoi that all bloggers hope for. It can be hard to define, so think about the blogs and websites that you really like and what it is about them that appeals to you. Your blog must have a certain synergy to it to make it shine. All of the individual elements must come together to create one amazing whole.
So, with all that information in mind, let’s evaluate this post. Visual Appeal? Well it’s easy on the eyes and is easy to navigate so I would say yes. Voice? It has a playful approach that keeps the reader enthralled so we can check that one off. Strong Content? I have done appropriate research and curated an informative post so the informational content is strong. ‘It’ Factor? Let’s let you, dear reader, be the judge of that.
Need help ensuring that your blog stands out and is being read, download this free guide to business blogging.