When you create content, your main objective is to draw in the right audience; the one you know would be interested in your product. But to do this you must be aware of who exactly it is you’re writing for. You can’t just randonly pick a topic, write a bit about it, and post it on the internet in hopes that someone might see it. That won’t get you anywhere. Instead, look at your buyer personas and choose a particular one to cater your writing towards. Using a targeted buyer persona will ensure that you’re grabbing the right person's attention, which will lead to a higher chance of conversions. In order to build your content accordingly, follow these tips:
Generate Topics By Knowing Their Problems
When you’re coming up with a topic to write about, what you want to do is determine the targeted buyer persona’s needs. What issues are at the top of their list? Do they have problems with budgeting or not knowing enough about a particular part of their industry? Your topic should provide an answer to whichever problem you choose to write about. If you’re struggling to come up with possible issues, start broad. First, think about the industry they’re in. Whether they’re a salesperson or an at-home mother, each job has it’s own struggles. Then focus in on the most frustrating parts of their job. Align that with their personality and you have found a possible problem they need a solution for. From there, create a topic that will provide help for them.
Use The Right Voice
When writing content, you should focus on who you’re writing for by interpreting their voice. Take your writing style and cater it towards the persona. This may seem tricky, but it’s simpler than you think. First, make sure you learn as much as you can about the persona. That means going back and studying their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and molding that information into a story. After you have a clear perception of who this person is, use empathy to craft your writing. You could say things like, ‘I know it’s annoying when’, and go on to talk about things they don’t like, but then provide a solution. This will connect them to your writing. It sounds a bit strange, but think about it this way: when you’re trying to connect with someone you don’t really know, you say something to commiserate with them. If you are sitting next to a stranger at the bus stop and the bus is running late, maybe you’ll turn to the person next to you and complain about how the bus is always running late and then they’ll heartily agree and you’ll make a joke and start conversing. People love to feel understood in real life and in writing, so do your best to connect them with your voice.
Know The Right Style To Use
Personas are going to differ in what types of writing styles they respond to. Some like reading things in the second-person while others enjoy the third-person more. At the same time, every company has their own unique voice that shouldn’t be drowned out. So you should give a little and take a little. Maybe your blog is playful, but the person you’re targeting is a CEO. You don’t want to lose that playful touch, but you still need to make it profession enough for the CEO to take it seriously. In this case, you should keep your language and format the same to represent your brand, but provide a more in depth analysis of the information you’re presenting. It’s a balancing act, but it’s important for them to take you seriously while understanding what your brand is.
Use The Platform They Use
Your content should be in the form of something that is most pleasing to the persona. Do they usually spend more time at their computer or on mobile? Would they be more interested in a downloadable PDF or a webpage? These are all important questions that need answers if you want to attract the right audience. Then, after you finish writing your content you need to promote it, and it’s up to you to reach the right people. It may not reach your targeted buyer persona if it’s on certain platforms and not others. Some people spend most of their time on LinkedIn while others find Twitter more appealing. Or maybe they would rather receive it in an email. Go back to that particular buyer persona and find out where the best place to reach them is. Then use the correct language that pertains to that platform. Be professional on LinkedIn, but have some fun with it on Twitter. No matter what, whether it’s an email or a social media post, make sure to personalize it. Not many people are going to respond to the generic title when there are so many other thoughtful posts they could click on. Remember, the competition on social platforms is tough and you don’t want your content to be passed over just because you didn’t personalize the post. So make sure you’re targeting your chosen persona from beginning to end.
When you write content, you want to draw in the right audience and keep them reading. That’s why it’s important to target a particular buyer persona. If you absentmindedly write just to get content out in the world, it’s not going to do your company or brand any good. Remember, 41% of B2B and 38% of B2C marketers are making it a priority to understand their customers. So don’t fall behind; follow the steps above to improve the quality of your readers and promote your company.
If you're in need of some help building your buyer personas, download this free template today!