The reality is that as more of your competitors create content – good content – you have to invest in producing something that truly stands out. When the quantity of content increases, you run the risk of your content quality suffering. So, how should marketers combat this possibility and make their content stand out from the competition? Here, we’ll discuss 6 key tactics.
- Define your niche.
Finding a way to specialize your content is the fastest way to up your content quality. You need to think about how your company fits within the entire industry ecosystem to find that niche. If you focus your content on a subset of SEO, this can help you cut through the vast oceans of SEO content.
- Publish exclusive content.
Publishing content that can’t be found anywhere else tends to drive higher social shares and inbound links to your site. One version of exclusive content could be an impactful quote from a reputable CEO talking about a latest industry trend. Another example is using internal, proprietary data to provide a meaning statistic to your industry. You could share this exclusive content in the form of an infographic, interactive application, or video.
- Incorporate community into your content.
Promoting other people/companies within your industry provides immediate value to readers. Interactions/comments within your blog content can also provide value to readers by providing additional perspective.
- Change the way people consume your content.
Change the format of the content on your site. Experiment with content outside of text-based blog posts. Try visual, audio, or interactive apps to give users additional ways to consume your content.
- Post newsworthy content.
Publish content that is newsworthy in your industry (notable stories, trends, new product launches that your persona would care about). Then, apply what this news means for your audience. A weekly news roundup is a great way to share a few stories within a single post.
- Get real subject matter experts to contribute.
It’s not an easy task for marketers to come up with new campaigns and topics to write about on a consistent basis. By sourcing other subject matter experts for guest blog posts/interviews, you expose your readers to other people they should follow in your industry. You also provide a new perspective to your readers.
So, as the content quality bar raises each day, these tips will help you create high quality content that cuts through all the noise. When you’re noticed and remembered for your remarkable content, people will continue to seek you out and spread the word. Standing out amidst the competition isn’t always easy, but these best practices will undoubtedly help you keep your quality way up.