Whether you’re an ambassador of your own brand or the company you work for as a marketer, you need to stay on top of marketing trends. Blogging for business is an important part of your strategy to keep people engaged.
Take a look at the key blogging statistics and trends recently published by Orbit Media Studios in which over 1000 business bloggers were surveyed. These insights can help shape or improve your next blog piece.
The results are categorized by:
- Impact
- Trends in Blogging
- Blogging Process & Tactics
17 Blogging Statistics You Should Know About
1. 85% of bloggers claim their blog delivers strong results or some results.
2. 49% claim that spending more than 6 hours per post shows bigger payoffs.
3. Longer blog posts produce better results.
4. 67% of bloggers claim they see strong results when they blog daily.
5. Old blog posts are 74% more likely to yield good results.
Trends in Blogging
6. The average blog post length is 1142 words.
7. Listicles are the most popular blog post format among business blogs.
8. Using social media to promote content is the most popular tactic.
9. An increasing number of bloggers are collaborating with influencers (1 in 4).
10. 64% use SEO in their content marketing strategy.
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Blogging Process & Tactics
11. 42% of bloggers are still not using email marketing to promote content.
12. Over 20% of bloggers use paid content promotion.
13. In 2017, twice as many bloggers worked with editors compared to 2014.
14. Almost half said they edit their own posts before they publish them. However, bloggers who hire editors are 43% more likely to see strong results.
15. 4 in 5 bloggers blog at home, while 38% blog in the office.
16. 57% of blog posts have more images compared to a few years ago.
17. A whopping 42% of bloggers don’t use analytics or use it only occasionally to make better decisions on their marketing.
Check out this latest video from Entrepreneur Magazine to learn about the ROI of content marketing.
Key Takeaways
These stats show big changes in the way blogging is created and the outcomes thereof. Blogging remains an effective tool for businesses to improve website traffic and brand awareness. And although some important marketing tactics are still underused, such as email and analytics, bloggers are increasingly engaging with their audience and focusing on strategy. Out of ideas for your blog? Check out 7 tips for generating fresh blog content every time.
Things to Keep in Mind When Writing a Blog Post
Remember, you need to create the right content for your target audience. This way, you’re delivering educational and relevant information to your potential customers that offers solutions, tips and news that address their specific pain points, questions or concerns in relation to your offerings.
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