It’s finally Friday! Today is a good day to reflect on the week, before you get started on your weekend fun. Check out our Prominent Post-its to see what’s been happening over the past week and how we feel about it. Here we go.
And the next president is….
Not Joe Biden. Vice President Joe Biden ended months of speculation about his potential run for president this week. What a tease! He stated that the window for a successful campaign has closed, and he is proud of the legacy he created in partnership with President Obama. Okay, okay, we get it.
Tesla’s Cars Changing the Industry
Let’s switch gears to discuss the release of the Tesla version 7.0. This new build finally enables drivers to utilize self-driving features. It keeps the car in its current lane when you’re on the road, and controls speed based on the speed of the car ahead. Just in time for Back to the Future Day/Week – perfect. It’s no DeLorean, but it’s still pretty cool.
May the Force Be With You
After the release of the final Star Wars, The Force Awakens, trailer this week, the word spread quickly. If you’re itching to see the movie on opening night, it may be too late. In fact, the movie has already reported $6.5 million in U.S. and Canadian advance ticket sales. It broke records for other huge movie premieres like The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. Seeing Chewbacca and the gang on opening night will probably be a challenge, so get a move on and secure your seats, fellow nerds!
“You’re going to lose fifty pounds, and YOU’RE going to lose fifty pounds!”
Whatever Oprah touches will soon turn gold. Or at least that’s how it seems. With a successful book club, magazine, and empire under her belt, Oprah added another venture to her growing list: a major stake in Weight Watchers. Now this is a big W for the company. She purchased a 10% stake and the shares have already doubled in value after her announcement was made. Must be the ‘Oprah effect.’
Let’s Taco ‘Bout it
Are you ever texting your B-F-F and thinking, “Man, I could really use a taco emoji.” Never fear, soon you’ll have it! The new iOS update includes over 150 new emojis. Yes, you can finally include that precious taco shell you’ve always wanted – dreams do come true!
That’s it for this week. If you’re interested in reading more of our spectacular content, subscribe to our blog!