There are a few likely scenarios in which your marketing efforts are not delivering the results you want. Either your organization is still focusing on unsuccessful outbound sales and traditional marketing or your current marketing team is not measuring up when it comes to executing result-driven strategies. Or, you probably don't have the time and/or budget to hire a jack-of-all-trades to oversee all aspects of marketing in-house.
We Have What Your Business Needs
An inbound marketing agency, like Responsive Inbound Marketing (that's us!) encompasses the expertise, insight, and technical knowledge to shift your marketing into overdrive - helping you to avoid costly mistakes along the way. This way, you and the agency can work together to streamline and strategize your path toward success. And while the agency takes care of all your marketing needs, you'll have more time to focus on running your business!
Extension of Your Team
Working with an inbound marketing agency is a smart and cost-effective alternative to hiring individuals who may or may not have the chops to deliver a multi-level marketing approach. On the other hand, the right agency can serve as a great extension to your existing team and can help them take a deeper dive into the pipeline stages.
When you hire an agency, you'll have access to a variety of skills, strategies, and capabilities including "copywriting, search engine optimization, social media, paid search, frontend and backend web development, conversion focused web design, analytical marketing and thorough knowledge of inbound marketing software platforms." - HubSpot
Consider the ways in which an inbound marketing agency can help you save time and money.
Cut Overhead Costs & Boost Performance
1. Inbound Experts
The point of hiring a successful agency is to gain access to a knowledgable group of professionals that have an effective and proven process for developing inbound marketing strategies. You'll be skipping the trials and errors, and jumping straight into a plan of action. This plan will include a cohesive branding and messaging strategy specific for your company.
Not only will you get more bang for your marketing buck, but some agencies also offer training as part of their inbound marketing retainer options. This means your business will save even more money as you move towards becoming autonomous.
2. A Packed and Loaded Team
If you've ever designated a good travel agency to handle all of your vacation plans and details, then you know what it feels like to have peace of mind. A team equipped with a variety of skills and expertise will save you the distress of investing in an in-house team of full-time marketers who may or may not be able to deliver on your company's best interest.
3. Cost Effective
An agency offers flexibility when it comes to budgets and finances; you can either choose to hire an agency on a flat fee, or on a monthly retainer. In essence, hiring an entire team of experts (made up of strategists, copywriters, marketers, designers, etc.) costs less than, or comparable to, a full-time marketer's salary.
4. Up-to-the-Minute
In this crazy, ever-changing world of digital marketing, you need to stay au courant. An inbound marketing agency keeps up with Google's latest algorithm and SEO changes that ultimately impact your brand's online performance.
5. Handling the Unexpected
As your marketing efforts embark on a path to growth in each stage of the process, an agency can help with the good and the bad. Stuff happens, plans fail - even successful brands experience marketing blunders.
That said, it's important to be realistic in the realm of marketing and expect the unexpected. An agency is adept to understanding the occasional malfunctions of a strategy, and well-versed to realign your techniques and goals to turn your failures into growth.
Choose the Right Agency to Piece Together Your Marketing Puzzle
Now you should have a clearer picture of how your business can benefit from an inbound marketing agency. The opportunity to thrive and see higher ROI is yours to take. By investing in a broader range of creative and experienced professionals to bring all pieces of the marketing funnel together.
Learn more about how to determine whether going the agency route is your best bet. Download the guide below.