Do you ever go to the grocery store in attempt to buy a box of cereal and just feel overwhelmed? I know I do! You are bombarded with bright colors and fifteen variations of the same cereal. Do you want plain Cheerios? Or Honey Nut Cheerios? Or, maybe, Multigrain Cheerios or Frosted Cheerios? So…many…choices… It really is paralyzing. I stand there and debate brands, flavors, and prices until I finally make a decision three hours later. But, what if the product wasn’t really a necessity? I would probably walkout of the cereal isle and never look back. Too many choices is not always a good thing! By decreasing your options you can increase your conversion! Check out HubSpots infographic, “How to Increase Conversion Rates by Decreasing Choices”, to learn more and see the shocking statistics on decreasing choices!
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