Debunking 3 Content Marketing Myths

2 min read
Jan 20, 2015 12:45:56 PM

What is Content Marketing and how does it work? There are several myths floating around the marketing world that are misleading, since they hold no truth about content marketing. Here are 3 common myths that you may be unsure about – debunked!

  1. Content Marketing Doesn’t Take Time

You may think content marketing is an easy way for your website to gain traction. While it does help to bring targeted visitors to your site, it’s not something that can be done quickly, and involves:

  • Strategy Development: If you don’t devise a content marketing strategy, your efforts will be unsuccessful. This strategy involves keyword research, buyer personas research, and many other time-consuming aspects.

  • Content Creation: Quality content creation for your blog takes time and research.

  • Content Promotion: A solid strategy involves promoting your content to appropriate channels. Deciding which channels to post your content to, along with actually doing the posting, will take some time.

  • Measuring Analytics: It's important to measure your marketing's performance and then readjust your strategy based on your results.

  1. Content Marketing Just Means Creating More Content 

While creating a content marketing strategy typically does involve creating more content than you previously did, this isn’t the core principle of the tactic. It's about creating quality content that gives something of value to the people your brand is trying to connect with.  If your strategy revolves solely around creating more content, your traffic will take a hit, and your blog could even be negatively knocked by Google.

  1. A Piece of Content Has A Short Life

Many marketing amateurs think that after a piece of content is written and promoted socially, it is dead. Well, this certainly isn’t the case. When you’re planning your content, you should also be devising a strategy for repurposing it. If you have several blog posts surrounding a similar topic, you can repurpose that content by combining them into an eBook, for example. Or, if you have an eBook about an important topic that you have rarely touched upon in your blog, break down the eBook into a series of blog posts. One piece of content can have a much longer life than just an initial surge from social promotion.

Now that we’ve debunked these 3 common myths, you should have a better idea of what content marketing really is and what it is not. Now, you’ll be able to gain as much value as possible by marketing content the right way. 

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