Before you even promote your blog, make sure it is awesome. If you are promoting a blah blog once people get there, they will quickly leave never to return. How do you make it awesome? With killer content, of course! So once you have done your homework and created a top-notch blog, it is time to get more readers.
Social Media
Obviously, whenever you create a new post, you must share in on social media. This is critical. If you don’t already have a following, sharing your blog will help you to build a community. Plus, don’t feel like you can only promote your blog once—you can always “re-share” posts. Sometimes, timing is everything, and you may get a better response the second time around. And, think outside standard Facebook and Twitter shares and get creative with innovators like Pinterest and FlipBoard.
Be a Guest
Guest posting on a different blog is an excellent way to build your credibility and drive more traffic to your site. Seek out blogs that post related content, follow them, and promote them. Reach out to them as a subject-matter expert, offer to let them post on your blog as well—this type of cross-platform exchange is great for promoting your blog since you have access to a wider audience.
When you are sending out promotional emails, use teaser language and include prominent links to your blog for more info. Also, when you publish a new post on your blog, email your entire mailing list to let them know it is up. A good approach is to include an intro paragraph to the story you are telling and entice readers to click-through for more. Bonus: Email signature lines are not just for your name; include a link to your blog (or website) when sending messages.
Like another industry-leading blog? Link to them and have them link back to your blog. You can use links to lead your readers to additional information and resources on a blog that covers similar subject matter. Once you link to them, share and reach out to them via social media to start building a mutual relationship. Encourage them to share your post (including a link to their content) with their audience for increased exposure.
Support Sharing
Help yourself by encouraging your readers to share your post. Make it easy with social and email share buttons in your post as well as at the end of the blog. Use friendly, action-oriented language—Like what you read? Share it so others can enjoy it as well—with prominent links. And, of course, make it easy for new readers to join your mailing list.
Group and Forums
Online forums offer you the chance to show off your knowledge and promote your blog. Many forums start with a question or comment on a specific topic. If you are an expert on the subject matter, answer questions, offer data and share links to your blog. Be careful of trolling—only participate and share in relevant discussions. Also, consider joining online groups, such as one or inbound marketers, to exchange ideas and posts with from other experts in your field.
Remember, when you promote your blog, you want to ensure that you are publicizing a high-quality product. If you are not producing valuable content, not only will you look bad, but you will lose readers and potential leads. If you are looking for even more ideas, there are an infinite number of suggestions out there for driving traffic to you.
It's hard to keep up with all of these new strategies and platforms, but it is important. Keep up with everything and learn how to market to the specific people that are stepping up to the plate.