It’s a great accomplishment to get people to click on your page, so give yourself a big pat on the back for that! Now the quesiton stands, what’s next? It’s important to keep in mind that the journey shouldn’t end there. You need to make sure that your content captures your audience right away because otherwise they’ll just move on to someone else’s content. It’s like when you begin a new book. If it doesn’t capture you after a certain number of pages, it no longer matters how pretty that cover was because you’re going to move on to the next book without batting an eye. I know you don’t want that to happen with your content. I think we’d all like to be bookmarked on someone’s computer, right? That’s how you gain the views that count and that’s how you get people to keep coming back. So how do you accomplish that in a world where people's attention spans are getting smaller and smaller? Don’t fret because we have just the right solutions for you!

Don’t Talk Down To Your Reader
The first thing you want to do is understand the skill levels of the people you’re writing for and create your content accordingly. A more technical-based follower is not going to respond to the same rhetoric as someone who has a different kind of vocabulary. Don’t you hate it when someone describes every last little detail to you? It’s like they think you’re a child who needs to be led through every sentence. So frustrating! If your audience feels as if you are belittling their intelligence by explaining every last detail to them, then they aren’t going to be happy with your content and they’re going to move on. At the same time, if you’re talking to someone who does not have a specific something, like a background in tech, and you don’t explain things well enough, they will get confused and leave as well. So what are you to do? It seems like an exhausting balancing act, but don’t you dare pull out your hair just yet because there’s an easy solution! All you have to do is pick out specific buyers using your buyer personas and write according to their levels of knowledge. If you have a variety of customers, then just throw in some examples throughout the extremely complicated parts, but spread them out so that the handholding is kept to a minimum. Breathe; you can do this!
Fake It ‘Till You Make It
Next, you want to make sure you’re using an upbeat tone. This is an exciting product you’re trying to sell! Not to mention, if you’re excited about selling it, then that excitement is going to rub off on your customer until they’re excited to buy it. If your product isn’t exciting, fake it ‘till you make it! It’s like when you’re out with a group of friends, there’s always that one person who manages to capture peoples attention with every story they tell, but you know that if you were to tell the exact same story you would never garner the same amount of attention. So how do they do it? Well, they act like they’re really into the story that they’re telling! Their excitement while telling the story draws people in and, no matter how dull the plot may be, it makes the listeners believe that they are hearing something worth listening to. The same thing goes for when you’re creating content. Make them believe that what they are reading is something worthy of their time and attention and do so within the first paragraph of what you're writing.
Be Relatable
The third way to capture your audience right away is to make a point to be relatable. The customer wants to know that you understand where they are coming from because if you don’t understand their problems, how are you going to meet their needs. You can use this to your advantage though! You know them, you’ve studied their frustrations, and you understand how your product can make their lives better. All you have to do is express this to them using empathy. Put in statements about how frustrating it is when things aren’t going right or how you know that they have little time to deal with things that go wrong. It’s a basic human trait to search for someone who understands what you have to deal with so when people find that someone, they give them their attention. Just make sure you don’t lose that empathetic connection because it will be a strong pull for a customer to buy your product.
Your content is an important part of what makes you gain leads and gain returning customers so if you wish to have a strong follow-through with the people who travel to your content, you must know how to capture your audience right away. In order to do that, you just need to follow these tips. If you do, you are sure to gain success!
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