4 Ways To Use Inbound Marketing For Recruitment

2 min read
Sep 8, 2016 11:42:45 AM

Inbound Marketing RecruitTake a look at today's digital age of hiring.  Over 70% of job seekers use Google to job hunt.  And since job seekers have access to a world of information at their fingertips where they can conduct research  on companies and jobs, compare choices and make a decision based on their own standards, recruiters no longer hold all the cards. What a game changer, right?

So, what do companies need to do to stay on top of their hiring game? Today's hiring reality is now about using inbound marketing recruit strategies to engage and attract new talent. So if you're looking for that star salesperson or analyst  to add to your team, here are some ways to incorporate inbound marketing methods to your hiring efforts.

Want to master the 3-step buyer's journey? Learn the basics of Inbound Marketing .

Before anything, focus on visibility. Well, duh! But you'd be surprised at how many organizations out there don't use social media channels to their full advantage. Invest time in creating company profiles on various social media channels - Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, or include a business blog page on your website to tell your visitors who you are and what you stand for. It might be a good idea to have your human resources team and marketing professionals join forces to build and optimize your inbound marketing recruit approaches.

1) SEO

Shape your SEO strategy by highlighting keywords in your job titles and job descriptions so that candidates can find you. Ask yourself what relevant terms might a job seeker search for that matches your job offering or position. Specify keywords that correlate to the job. For example, "salesperson" is too general of a job title while "lead sales associate" is a better target.

2) Blogging

What does your company have to offer? As an employer, what makes you stand out against the competition? Write it all in a blog post as another inbound marketing recruit strategy. Showcase what your organization is all about by communicating your company's approaches and goals to attract the right talent. Remember, like recruiters, job seekers are also doing a background check on potential employers to help them make informed decisions before applying. Also, provide job searching tips in your blog posts to give candidates a helping hand. Make sure to include keywords in your posts.

3) Optimize Your Online Presence

Social media means getting a lot of exposure, and it's inexpensive too. When done right, social media allows you to network with prospective candidates for future opportunities by building a relationship with your audience. Use these channels to shape your online reputation - inform, educate, and interact with your audience by responding to comments and questions about your brand.

4) Email Marketing

Email marketing not only reaches a large number of consumers but it requires the recipient to take action - forward, sign up, click on a link or CTA, etc. But, only 33% of email recipients click open a message based on the subject line alone. Write subject lines that will make candidates stop and think about your offer. You can create a sense of urgency to spur candidates to act immediately - "Last chance to apply!" or "(First name), got time for a chat today?"

Check out best practices for recruitment email marketing here.

So, now that you're aware of what inbound marketing can do when it comes to finding top industry talent, start searching for your inbound marketing superstar to join your team!   

Download this free template for the perfect Inbound Marketing Specialist job description!

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