TED is a nonprofit organization that launched in 1984 with a mission to present ideas worth sharing. It has since become a cultural phenomenon, bringing together thought leaders from around the world to present for 18-minutes on ideas that could potentially change the world. Of the more than 1,800 TED Talks – which have been viewed a total of 2.5 billion times – a few have risen to the top. Here, we’ll discuss and share the 10 most popular TED talks ever!
In fashion of a countdown, let’s start at #10:
10. Dan Gilbert reveals the science behind happiness.
Views: 9.9 million
Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert explains the fallacy behind the notion that to achieve happiness, one must get what they want. He uses psychology and neuroscience to explain that what we think makes us happy is, oftentimes, completely wrong.
9. David Gallo shares the mystery behind the sea creatures of the deep.
Views: 11.2 million
A pioneer in ocean exploration, David Gallo provides us with a look at life miles below the ocean's surface. Included in the footage of his explorations are a cuttlefish that changes colors, a camouflaged, nearly invisible octopus, and a neon fish.
8. Dan Pink delves into the science behind motivation.
Views: 11.7 million
Previously a speech writer for Al Gore, Dan Pink is now a career analyst, studying the puzzle of motivation. He offers advice to managers who want to get the most out of their employees. First off, he tells them to forget the traditional forms of reward that, in the end, actually "dull thinking and block creativity."
7. Tony Robbins says an 'invisible force' is what motivates us to act.
Views: 12.8 million
One of the most famous motivational speakers in the world, Tony Robbins has held 10,000-seat seminars and spoken with Olympic athletes, heads of state, and CEOs. In this speech, which includes a famous TED moment in which he spontaneously high-fives with the spectating Al Gore, Robbins discusses what motivates us – something he calls the "invisible force."
6. Pranav Mistry uses the SixthSense to reveal a paper laptop.
Views: 13 million
The inventor takes a deeper look at the SixthSense by unveiling a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop." A Q&A with Mistry leads to the announcement that he will open-source SixthSense, allowing its possibilities to be discovered, and experienced, by all.
5. Jill Bolte Taylor demonstrates what a stroke does to the brain.
Views: 16 million
Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist, learned firsthand what a stroke does to the human mind when a blood vessel in her brain burst one morning. Witnessing her motion, speech, and self-awareness shut down one-by-one, Bolte spent the next eight years relearning how to think, walk, and talk. While the left side of her brain was permanently damaged, the right side experienced a windfall of creative energy. Today, she serves as a powerful voice for brain recovery.
4. Brené Brown discusses the power of vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame.
Views: 17.2 million
These four emotions and characteristics are things we come into contact with every day, and Brené Brown has spent the last 10 years studying them. In a speech filled with quotable material, her most poignant remark may be this: "You're imperfect, and you're wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging."
3. Simon Sinek discusses how and why great leaders inspire action.
Views: 19.5 million
Simon Sinek has a simple question he believes is the root of inspiration for all great people: Why? Sinek has spent his life's work trying to convince people to do what inspires them. "People don't buy what you do," he says. "People buy why you do it."
2. Amy Cuddy explains how your body language shapes who you are.
Views: 21 million
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy details the scientific evidence behind power posing. Her research shows that the way you sit, stand, and hold yourself not only affects the way others perceive you, but it changes your body chemistry. She explains how assuming a high-power pose, like standing with your feet spread and planting your hands on your hips, can increase your feelings of dominance and lower your stress.
1. Sir Ken Robinson says that schools are killing our creativity.
Views: 29.1 million
Sir Ken Robinson tops the list with his speech that calls into question our whole conception of education. As Robinson explains, we need to radically rethink our schools, encouraging and cultivating creativity and acknowledging the presence of multiple types of intelligence. Robinson believes we are educating people out of their creativity. "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original," Robinson says.
These 10 TED talks captivated large audiences with innovative, thought-provoking discussions, which were essentially calls to expand our minds. TED is all about idea sharing, and people clearly have tuned in and listened to the valuable, interesting information presented. Enjoy, and get inspired!