3 tips for Calendaring Blogging Content

1 min read
Feb 5, 2015 12:30:37 PM

When you think about what draws you in online, it always comes back to content – valuable content that’s interesting and useful. But, the organizations that consistently provide insight and useful information don’t just come up with it on the spot. They plan ahead and create an editorial calendar. Some people do it a month at a time, and others plan ahead for the whole year. Planning a year in advance may be the most useful model for calendaring blogging content. Here are 3 key tips to ensure that you’re doing it right!


  1. Create a framework that shows how much and where you’re planning to post your content. 

When you calendar your blogging/editorial content, you can see how the content posting will support your marketing objectives. How often you’ll be posting as well as where you’ll post your blogs and how they’ll be promoted all can be planned with a comprehensive framework. Knowing what to anticipate – in an organized fashion – will make your blog posts that much stronger.

  1. Repurpose existing or evergreen content. 

It’s hard coming up with fresh content, and when you do, you want to make the most of it. This means repurposing old content that can still be relevant. Planning out your distribution will show when to write that blog post and when to promote it through your various social channels – and, if that content rocks, when to send it out again.

  1. Break up information from other marketing materials you’ve produced and scatter it out throughout the following months. 

If you create a white paper, for example, you can break up its information into bite-size nuggets of wisdom and use them in your blog calendar throughout the year. A content calendar will quickly show you how best to spread out the information and line up various communication channels to support the distribution. Things like podcasts, videos, charts, and other supporting marketing materials can make your blog content more valuable.

These 3 important tips will help you set up a successful blogging/editorial calendar and improve the value of your blogs posts. Ingenious ideas don’t just appear out of thin air – they are developed, nurtured, and strategically planned. Be prepared to wow your audience with exceptionally creative content for years to come.

introduction to business blogging

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