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Industry Shout-Out: Wellness and Nutrition Marketing Tips

Written by Virginia Adams | Aug 4, 2014 3:52:00 PM

Eat clean. Go organic. Detoxify. Cleanse. The flagship words of the nutrition movement seem to appear everywhere, infiltrating our magazines, inboxes, and newsfeeds. 

And for good reason! While there are moments that I wish I could just eat my bacon cheeseburger in peace, nutritionists and like-minded publications or businesses have figured out the power of turning healthy living into a community undertaking.

While it's always been easy to catch people's attention with the offer of a "thinner, fitter you," they've started to figure out that getting in shape is easier said than done. And even though there are still those miracle weight loss pills that promise results with no change to your sugar-filled diet and exercise-deprived lifestyle (the epitome of too good to be true... stay away), more and more people are gritting their teeth and preparing for the long haul by making healthy lifestyle changes. But this kind of determination takes support — and that's where successful inbound marketing for nutrition services comes in. Nutrition businesses are building communities around their brands by getting people involved in the process. Here are 4 ways that you can too! Much of the community-based marketing is centered on social media, though you can easily reach people in similar ways through your blog or an email campaign

1. Recipes
Even if you decide to make an effort to eat healthier, you may be at a total loss of how to turn those spinach leaves into something actually, um, edible. And thanks to the Internet, no longer do you have to wait for the next edition of Bon Appétit to learn how! Smart online marketers have figured out that people are constantly looking for cooking tips and inspiration; whether you're looking for low carb, high protein, or gluten-free, there are thousands of recipes right at your fingertips. Draw more website traffic by posting some healthy, yummy recipes on your nutrition services website, blog, and social media pages! People are always on the look-out for great tasting healthy food, so if you can provide them with something they like, you'll likely earn their trust and have them coming back for more.

Additionally, people love to share their experiences in trying out new recipes. Post a clean-eating dinner idea on your Facebook page, and ask for people's comments on how their rendition came out! You'll start a conversation that will get more people involved with your brand.

2. Information Sharing
Similar to sharing recipes, you can also share bits of nutritional information in the form of food tips or facts. Infographics are a great way to do this, as they are easy to digest (heh heh...).                                                                

3. Competitions
Another way to get people to engage with your website or social media pages is by sponsoring competitions related to your content. Invite followers to participate in a 10 day clean eating contest, during which they help each other reach their goals by posting comments and photos of their progress. If you do a product giveaway, tell people that they will be entered in the lottery by following your page, commenting on a blog, mentioning you in a status, etc. All of these things will increase your online visibility, followers, and customer interaction.                                  

4. Solidarity! 
An outlet to share both challenges and success stories will unite people under your brand. Sticking with diets, exercise plans, or simply a general healthy lifestyle can be tough! If people feel as though they have a community of motivators who will both celebrate their victories and keep them accountable, they are more likely to succeed. If you can provide this sense of communal effort, your followers will likely identify you as the source of their success, which builds positive brand recognition. Constantly post inspiring or motivational content, respond to comments on your pages, and facilitate conversation between your followers! 

Because the path to healthy living is much more easily walked with friends, social media is an especially powerful marketing tool for nutrition services. Want to learn more about how inbound can help your business

And, just because life is short, here's some dessert