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Frustrated with Your SaaS Marketing Results? Here Are 3 Tips to Generate Revenue

Written by Gina Ionta | Dec 30, 2019 3:00:00 PM

What’s one key to marketing software-as-a-service (SaaS)? In order to educate your audience on the benefits of your software and the services that come with it, you need to ensure that your business objectives and marketing efforts are aligned with your customers’ needs.

We get it. It’s not always easy to get people excited about something that’s as intangible as time itself or the music collection on your mobile device. You have to convince them to sign up to a subscription model based on a monthly or annual plan for a constantly-evolving service and/or product.  

You also have to consider incorporating the right elements into your marketing mix to build the perfect strategy. This includes social media, SEO, PPC ads, buyer personas, mobile-first approach, content marketing and email - and using each platform properly. 

If you’re not getting the results you hoped for from your marketing efforts or you’ve hit a plateau and want to take your business to the next level of growth, this article is for you.

Here you’ll learn tips on how to improve your strategy for better results.

SaaS Marketing Tips

1. Know What Customers Want

How often do you use your buyer persona information to help you build eye-catching marketing campaigns or write copy? 

Marketing to audiences doesn’t work if you produce content based on assumption. You need to be guided by data and research about your ideal B2B customer. What are their biggest pain points and challenges? What’s important to them when they make an online purchase or selecting a vendor? How do they search for information or vendors online? What apps and tools do they use to perform daily business tasks? 

SaaS marketing is about showing prospective customers that you have what meets their needs or solves a problem. 

2. Improve Your Overall Website Experience

While first impressions matter, your website should give visitors the best possible user experience across the board. Don’t hold back when it comes to spotlighting how good your product and service is. Just be sure to optimize your website for SEO so that it comes up when people search for a product you offer. 

One way to do that is by choosing keywords that are related to their specific goals, such as ‘help desk software.’ The idea is to direct them to your website and ensure they find what they need quickly. To boost conversions, it’s important to give them great content and plenty of opportunities to convert by including call-to-action buttons on your pages, such as ‘contact us’ or ‘buy now.’

Here are 41 call-to-action buttons to boost clicks & conversions

3. Optimize Your Website for Mobile

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, implementing a mobile-first strategy for your website should be on every business’s priority list. In a mobile-driven world, creating a responsive design doesn’t stop at your website. You need to consider the likelihood that users could be viewing your content, email and social posts from a phone or tablet. 

But what does it mean to be mobile-friendly? Things like scaling images for mobile users and separating URLs are ways to help Google rank your site higher in search results. 

For more in-depth information on this, we’ve put together a checklist for a mobile-friendly website. It’s right here whenever you need it.

Photo credit: Search Engine Journal

Bonus: Collaborate with Other Marketers

We don’t need to tell you that the SaaS market is overcrowded, and positioning your brand with limited time and resources can be challenging. One way to compete is to join forces with other marketers who have the latest technology, knowledge and skills to help you make a high impact. 

It starts with finding marketers, whether it’s welcoming an outside firm or hiring in-house talent, who will work with you at every stage of the sales cycle to grow your business.

Reach out to us anytime to see how you can drive more traffic and conversions to your website by clicking below.