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From Classic To Clever: 5 No-Fail Lead Generation Tips

Written by Melissa Salce | May 5, 2016 3:43:41 PM

Now that inbound marketing is pretty much the norm, you need to earn the attention of your audience. There is a lot of information out there on billions of websites, so how do you attract prospects to your site and generate leads?

First Thing’s First—Content

When someone enters a phrase into that Google search bar what are they looking for? Information. And, as a marketer, it is your job to present quality information, or there is a good chance that they will leave your site never to return again.

Closing the Gap

The key to the inbound lifecycle lies in converting visitors to leads. Often the toughest step is closing the gap between getting readers to your site and capturing their information so that you can nurture them. You must entice them with content-relevant “lead magnets” so they are not one-time visitors. Close the gap with lead generating tools such as e-books, white papers, webinars, free videos, and more, which allow you to capture an email address, gauge reader interest, and educate prospects on your business.

Here are five tips for lead generation:

Video Content—When done right, video can significantly increase lead generation by keeping people engaged and encouraging them to take actions. In fact, according to a case study by unbounce, product explainer videos can generate leads at a rate of up to 33%. You can also make videos “gated” requiring an email address before they can be viewed.

Keep it Simple—You want to gain leads with straightforward language and offers, so don’t overcomplicate things. There are benefits to offering one core CTA—it reduces confusion and can boost leads. Just be sure the offer is broad enough to appeal to a wide audience without being vague.

Make Data Downloadable—As mentioned above, people want information, but they also want convenience. Making an e-book or white paper easily downloadable to a computer or mobile device drastically increases the chances of you getting a lead. Why? Because people want to read the data on their own schedule, such as on a train commute, or even reference back to it occasionally, and they don’t want to have to search for your site or a link to access it again. Having it right on their device makes it easy.

Get Social—This one may not seem innovative, but it’s still a good reminder to optimize your social media page’s work for lead generation. Twitter and Facebook are ideal for reaching a wide audience, but research shows that LinkedIn outpaces other social networks regarding lead generation (HubSpot) and the launch of their new content creation platform for users shows promise.

Think Offline—All of the tips above are web-based, but what about when people are offline. Although rare, it does still happen, so think about other ways to attract customers. If you are a subject matter expert, consider speaking at an event or conference or offer to run a free workshop at a local establishment. Getting your name out there in-person will draw new leads to your site.

Once you generate and capture quality leads, you’ll want to move them down the sales funnel to the consideration stage. Lead generation is a combination of consistency and creativity so don’t limit yourself. Use the tips above as a guide to try new approaches and see what works.

Need a more hands-on approach to lead generation? Contact us and discover why we would be a great partner for your inbound marketing needs!