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6 Nifty Tools for Site Design on HubSpot's COS

Written by Gretchen Durning | Jul 21, 2015 6:01:49 PM

Website design can take a lot of time and effort. Whether you’re looking to create a whole new site or just redesign an existing one, there are lots of tiny details that can trip you up. So, it’s worth looking into something that can make the whole process a little less stressful. We definitely think so, and we’ve already done some digging! You might know some of the ways HubSpot will make your job easier, but did you know that HubSpot’s COS can seriously simplify site design? If you didn’t, we’ve compiled this list of the 6 niftiest and most useful tools for site design on HubSpot's COS: 

1. Edit Images
Adding images to a blog post can increase your views by 94%, so it’s definitely a good idea to include them. But, what if they’re just not artsy enough on their own? You don’t need to pay for Photoshop to add filters or frames – you can do all that without leaving HubSpot’s platform. 

2. Default Content
Sometimes, when you create a template, the placeholder text and images aren’t formatted the way you want them to be. So, HubSpot has an option for you to create your own default text for the template, ensuring that you don’t have to spend ages reformatting every time you want to add a new page or email. 

3. CTAs
Technically, Calls-to-Action don’t need to be buttons, but they’re a lot more effective when they’re more than just text. With HubSpot, you can easily create CTAs that stand out from the page and help convince your audience to click. 

4. Smart Content
Using HubSpot, you can make your site show smart content, even if you’re not a coding expert. This means that your site will automatically select types of content, like CTAs, to appear for certain people based on their previous pattern of activity on your website. Basically, your site finds out what people want and gives it to them – all on its own. 

5. Buyer Personas
There’s also a section of HubSpot dedicated to understanding your buyer personas. Not only does it put all your information about your ideal customer types in one place that you can easily refer back to, it also shows you what content succeeds with which types. 

6. Mobile Optimization
Responsiveness is one of the biggest considerations in site design, and it’s crucial that you ensure your site works across multiple mobile platforms. Luckily, HubSpot helps you with this, too! There are options for viewing the site’s layout on several different mobile devices so that you always know how it looks before you publish. 

So, if your site needs a little sprucing up, you know where to go – and you know what to do, as well! Knowing all about HubSpot’s design tools will help you optimize your website and impress your customers.

If you're still looking for help with HubSpot, why not talk to experts with training in HubSpot COS? Schedule a free assessment with our inbound specialists!