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5 Video Marketing Tips to Make an Impact in 2020

Written by Lindsey Framer | Nov 12, 2019 6:03:01 PM

If there’s anything we’ve learned about the marketing landscape in the last few years is that video is the king of content - and it’s not going away anytime soon. In fact, 83% of marketers believe that video is becoming more important.

On the B2B front, 59% of business decision-makers prefer watching a video over reading content. So while there’s money to be made in video marketing, it’s important to be aware of the trends in 2020. 

In this post, you’ll learn tips for creating a high-impact video marketing strategy in order to represent your brand in the best way possible and drive engagement. 


1. Pick a Video Hosting Platform

YouTube is good at storing and distributing video content, but you need something that brings in ROI. If you don’t have a dedicated platform like a client relationship management (CRM) software that centralizes all your marketing activities, you might want to get on that in 2020. For example, HubSpot lets you add videos to your content, manage them and measure their success.

2. Leverage LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for B2B marketing. It’s 277% more effective at generating leads than Twitter and Facebook.

To take advantage of this social network in the coming year, focus your marketing efforts on posting more targeted videos that are personal and authentic. Marketers are shifting to personalization, so offering a more personalized experience across your marketing efforts will help build better relationships and establish real connections with your audience.

3. Add a Call to Action

CTA buttons guide people toward the next step like signing up to your offer or getting a free trial. When it comes to adding a CTA to your video content, you need to determine what action you want them to take. This will depend on the goal of your campaign. Are you looking to generate leads, sales, engagement, etc.?

Whatever your goal may be, be creative with your CTA. Think beyond the basic “read more”, “learn more” and “submit.”

Instead, go for a more engaging CTA like:

  • Tell me more
  • Take the next step
  • Get started with us today!
  • Find my perfect plan
  • See more options
  • How can we help you? 

4. Keep Your Video Short But Effective

Because businesses lack time, creating shorter videos is the best approach. According to this study, videos of less than 60 seconds long had a completion rate of 68%. The vast majority of brand videos are under 2 minutes in length. 

With that in mind, focus on creating short messages in 2020. To hook your audience right away, get right to the grit of the tale of your message. Help them imagine what it's like to use your product or service by creating your video around the story, not the sale.

Brand video: Madewell

5. Optimize Your Video for SEO

To ensure that your video gets found easily in search engines like Google, give it an interesting title and description. These play an important role in helping you rank. Similarly, tags help search engines understand what your video is about. If you’ve uploaded a video on YouTube before, it’s likely you’ve seen these descriptive pieces of text.

Need help with your next video? Reach out to us with any questions or give HubSpot a try. We’ll help you get set up, from A to Z, and strategize.