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Why You Should Leave Your Current Inbound Marketing Agency

Written by Jessica McWeeney | Dec 2, 2016 5:00:24 PM

Maybe things started off well, but lately they aren’t the same. You’re not communicating the way you used to. You don’t feel listened to or understood. Or you feel frustrated and angry. Either way, the magic is gone. 

If this is how your inbound marketing agency makes you feel, then it’s time to find one that will value you as a client. Here are some other reasons why you should leave your current agency. They Don’t Prove Their Value

You need to be able to see and understand how all of your marketing efforts are working together. Your agency partner should be regularly reporting back to you on their marketing efforts. Understanding ROI helps you to allocate resources appropriately and see where you might be weaker and need to spend some more time. By proving how well their campaigns are working will also demonstrate that the investment your company has made in working with this agency is paying off. 

They Measure The Wrong Metrics 

Part of understanding how your marketing is working comes from measuring the right metrics. If your agency is consistently telling you that likes, pageviews and unique visitors are increasing, then they are focusing on vanity metrics that do your company little good. The data you collect needs to help you make better, more strategic business decisions. You want to measure the right analytics that show how you’re increasing customers and revenue for your company. Tracking leads generated, conversion rates and revenue will demonstrate how marketing is meeting business goals.


They Don’t Listen 

Working with your inbound marketing agency should be a meeting of the minds. There is a reason you decided to hire an agency, so as the client, it is in your best interest to make those reasons and goals clear. But if your agency isn’t listening to you, and instead, continues to design campaigns and suggest strategies that don’t drive value to your bottom line, then it’s a waste of time and money. 

Be honest about what your company’s challenges are and what you hope to achieve through your marketing efforts. A good marketing agency should be able to take that information and use it to create strategies that overcome your challenges, and move you in the right direction. 

They Ignore Your Buyer Personas

Inbound marketing is focused on providing your audience with relevant and educational content. The message should not be the same for everyone. Failing to segment and provide a more personalized experience based on your buyer persona’s interests can turn people away from your company and towards a company that does, making you lose out on a potential customer. People aren’t interested in content that isn’t relevant to them, so your inbound marketing agency should be segmenting your contacts according to buyer personas and targeting them with specific content. Anything less is just lazy, and misses out on a huge opportunity. 


They Don’t Understand Your Industry 

The relationship between your company and your agency should be a collaboration. The agency is supposed to be the marketing expert, that’s why you hired them. Hopefully they also have some experience working with your industry, but you are still going to be more of an expert in your own field and can help fill in the gaps. Your individual strengths should be used to help each other. If your agency knows nothing about your industry, and is ignoring attempts to get themselves up to speed, then they aren’t a good fit.

They Make Promises, But Don’t Deliver

As mentioned earlier, your agency should be proving their value to your company. If they are all talk, but don’t deliver real results, it might be time to leave. It’s important to establish clear expectations on both sides at the beginning of your partnership.

You need an inbound marketing agency that exceeds your company’s expectations and will work with you to achieve goals, while also keeping you informed during the process.