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Why Content Mining Works for Students Today

Written by Meaghan Moraes | May 15, 2015 2:46:42 PM

With the many new ways of distributing and consuming educational media content, new behaviors are emerging surrounding how students access learning media. One of these new behaviors is content mining: the rapid search, discovery, and consumption of short-form video content.


Content mining, or students’ “snacking” on learning content in an on-demand way, is especially prevalent on smartphones. And, with mobile video consumption rising 16x since 2011, new mobile-specific ways of consuming and engaging with learning content are surely on the way.


So, how can institutions create content that's designed to be content mined by students? It comes down to video length, searchability, and mobile delivery. In order to create engaging video that’s designed for content mining and binge learning, remember to:


  • Keep your videos short and concise.


  • Present your video in an interface that lets students browse, search, and discover content in a fluid and dynamic way.



  • Make sure your video is well tagged and organized. This will allow students to quickly find relevant content on-demand. Intelligent recommendations should also be made in order to bring students to additional content to watch.


  • Provide students with the ability to share, comment on, and rate videos.


When your educational videos are designed for content mining, your reach will be stronger. Keep your methods relevant and your content engaging to really capture your audience!

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