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What's Your Story? Tell It Effectively In 4 Steps

Written by Gretchen Durning | Jul 30, 2015 6:37:47 PM

Storytelling is an intrinsic part of human nature, so it was only a matter of time before marketers realized its potential. It’s now more and more common to see brands using stories in their marketing strategies to interest customers. And, research supports the claims that stories engage audiences better than pure facts. Stories can be incredibly powerful, but only if they’re the stories your audience wants to hear. If you’re wondering how to tell your brand's story, follow these 4 steps and you’ll be well on your way: 

1. Consider Your Audience
You need to think first about what kind of content your audience wants to see and hear. To do that, you need to know your consumer base. Buyer personas help you figure out what’s most important to the different types of people who buy from your company, and from there you can begin to think about what content will speak to them. 

2. Contemplate Your Brand
Your story should be true to your brand’s mission, so you need to be clear on what that is. Consider your reasons for what you do and your stance on certain issues. What's your story? What makes your brand special? The answers to those questions will also become building blocks for the story you tell. 

3. Involve Emotions
Part of the reason that storytelling captivates audiences is the emotional connection we feel to stories. Listening to a story involves our entire brain, and empathizing with characters makes us much more likely to care about and remember the events in the story. Find a topic that will have the strongest emotional connection for your audience. This is a good place to consider user-generated content, as well, because your audience will connect with content created by somebody just like them. 

4. Support Your Claims
Stories are more powerful than facts by themselves, but that doesn’t mean you should leave them out altogether. In fact, including certain statistics in a story can be incredibly powerful, as long as they’re associated with emotional content that your audience will remember. 

Stories have the ability to revolutionize your marketing strategy if they’re used correctly. So, follow these 4 steps and harness the power of storytelling!

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