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What Your Day Should Look Like When Working From Home

Written by Gretchen Durning | Jul 16, 2015 5:14:26 PM

Every employee knows the struggle of the daily trek into the office. Rising with the sun, braving the rush hour traffic, competing for the best parking spots, or even tolerating public transit – nobody loves it. So, when you get a chance to work from home, chances are you breathe a sigh of relief. But, be careful! It’s easy to let your guard down and spend the day relaxing instead of being productive and meeting your deadlines. What’s a conscientious worker to do? We’re glad you asked! Here are 8 steps to help you have a more productive day working from home: 

1. Wake Up Early

Listen, we know it’s not fun. (Unless you’re one of those “morning people,” in which case you can probably just skip to the next step.) But, sleeping late throws off your daily schedule and tricks your brain into thinking you don’t need to work. For a productive day, you should get up within an hour of your usual wake-up time. 

2. Follow Your Morning Routine
Do you usually shower in the morning? Drink coffee? Tea? If the answer is yes, then do it when you’re working from home. And, change out of your PJ’s. Acting like you’re going into the office will help you get in the right mindset for doing your work. 

3. Set Up a Workspace
Your brain doesn’t focus as well in a space where you’ve trained it to be relaxed. Find somewhere in your house, preferably at a table or desk, that isn’t a place where you often spend your downtime. (Hint: This does not mean your bed.) 

4. Eliminate Distractions
The TV isn’t likely to help you get more work done. Neither is your iPhone. Keep your mind on your work. If music helps, check out some great playlists for productivity; if not, try out an ambient noise generator like Coffitivity. 

5. Plan Out Your Work
Go into the day with an idea of what you need to accomplish – it makes it much easier to stay on task when working from home. And, checking items off of your list always feels good. 

6. Check In With Coworkers
If you’re at home, you won’t be able to stop by a coworker’s desk to ask about that report that you need. Use email or another platform to keep in contact about projects and deadlines. 

7. Take Smart Breaks
People aren’t machines, so you’re probably going to need to take a break or two during the day. That being said, make sure you plan carefully so your “ten-minute break” doesn’t end up consuming the better part of three hours. Be extra careful with Facebook and other social media – it’s way too easy to get sucked in. Set timers and be responsible! 

8. Eat!
You need food. Specifically, you need food that will actually give you the brainpower to get your work done. Forgetting about lunch is not a good plan, and neither is spending the whole day snacking on nothing but Cheez Whiz and potato chips. Choose foods that actually have nutritional value and that can help you be productive. 

Of course, these tips are the easy part – you still have to hunker down and get that work done. But, if you follow these steps, actually doing the work itself will seem that much easier! So, stay focused with these 8 steps, and show your boss what a diligent worker you are.

Now you know how to optimize your day spent working from home  but have you optimized your website? Check out these 25 website must-haves to take your website to the next level!