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Top 7 Marketing Podcasts I Love

Written by Gina Ionta | Oct 31, 2017 2:30:00 PM

Your schedule may not always permit you to read marketing news, tips and strategies. The beauty of podcasts, aside from the fact that most of them are free of charge, is that you get to listen to an endless stream of valuable content of your choice - advice, interviews, news, storytelling, etc. - when you want. Marketing podcasts are a great way to get your fill of the latest and greatest, but with so many of them out there, which ones will keep you at the top of your game?

Listen up! I’ve curated 7 marketing podcasts I love that will put some pep to your drive, commute, or workout. 

1. 5 Minute Marketing

An entrepreneur’s work is never done which makes it that much harder to squeeze in some listening time. Tune into Brian Moran, a marketing guru and multi-million dollar startup owner, who shares marketing strategies and tips to help your business grow. Each episode is short and sweet so you can learn ways in which to fuel your marketing tactics, without having to invest so much of your time into long interviews. 


2. The SaaS Content Marketing Show

True to its title, this podcast provides SaaS founders and marketers with the tools and insights on how to take the helm of their company’s content marketing strategy. Every two weeks, Pawel Grabowski talks with SaaS founders, CEOs, and marketers to bring you actionable advice.

Make sure to check out Pawel’s interview with Alex Theuma, the co-founder of SaaScribe on building a thriving SaaS community around your blog.

3. Online Marketing Made Easy

Small business owners who are just starting out face countless challenges, from long hours and planning, to an overwhelming to-do list. Amy Porterfield’s podcast makes it a little easier for you to manage your digital marketing strategies, one step at a time. 

4. Copyblogger FM

If you want to improve your content and writing skills for better results, this short-form podcast is for you. Host Sonia Simone and her team of rotating experts discuss strategies and tactics in email marketing, copywriting, conversion optimization, and more.

5. Call To Action

Unbounce, the world’s leading landing page and conversion marketing platform, broadcasts success stories every Wednesday which can have you walking away with insightful tips and trends to implement to your own marketing campaigns. There’s no shortage of topics to absorb here, from Pay Per Click marketing to improving your conversion rates and your homepage. 

6. Hack The Entrepreneur

Marketing podcasts that tap into behavioral and psychological aspects of entrepreneurship can definitely give you insight into the mind and creativity. This fresh new podcast tackles relevant issues business owners face and how to create a mindset for success. Hosted by Jon Nastor and joined by notable guests, you’ll be guided on pathways to personal and professional growth.  

7. Marketing Over Coffee

Looking for more casual marketing podcasts? Join hosts John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn in their 20-minute discussions broadcasted from a local coffee shop just outside of Boston - topics range from SEO, social media, affiliate marketing and more. They even answer listener’s questions.