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This Week's Prominent Post-its

Written by Gretchen Durning | Jul 17, 2015 4:54:56 PM

Another week has passed, and you know what that means – time for this week's prominent post-its! Catch up on and discuss some of the biggest news stories of the week with us. 

1. Whale of a 
Sale Fail
If you want a discount, Amazon is the place to go. And, news of Amazon’s Prime Day, created in honor of its 20th birthday, got everybody excited for a Black Friday-like event with even higher than usual sales…on electric pencil sharpeners. But that’s not all! There were also discounts on VHS rewinders, silicon spoon rests (whatever those are), and a plate of ham. (For real.) Unsurprisingly, the hashtag #PrimeDayFail is trending on Twitter. 

2. Atticus Grinch
Harper Lee’s novel Go Set A Watchman, the sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird, came out this week. It also caused a lot of commotion, thanks to how beloved character Atticus Finch is now kind of racist. You think you’re disappointed? You’ve got nothing on all the boys who’ve been named after him. Or those boys’ parents. 

3. Free (Jail)Bird
Did you ever watch that TV show, Prison Break? Well, we know of somebody who’s been living it. Notorious drug lord El Chapo made some Mexican officials red in the face this week by escaping from prison. More embarrassing for them is the fact that this was actually his second breakout – he escaped from jail in a laundry cart in 2001 and was only captured again in 2014. Now, he’s back on the lam just over a year later. Many news sources have speculated that government corruption might be behind his impressive disappearances, and might also ultimately prevent him from being recaptured. So, that’s reassuring. 

4. Campaigns for the Cool Kids
In our opinion, email is still cool. And, we’re not the only ones who think so! Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner, both of TV show Girls fame, announced that they’re starting an email newsletter called Lenny. Like their show, it’ll appeal to young women. It’s part of the growing trend of email campaigns targeting younger generations, and so far the trend is going strong! Apparently, Lenny’s topics will cover everything from how to be fashionable on a budget to discussions of radical politics. That’s definitely a wide range of topics – count us down as intrigued! 

And in other “out there” news…
You know that feeling when you were raised as a fraternal twin, but then find out you were swapped at birth and actually have an identical twin, who was raised as a fraternal twin with your fraternal twin’s identical twin? No? Well, just ask the so-called Mixed-Up Brothers of Bogotá. Jorge and Carlos Castro were raised as fraternal twins in the Colombian city of Bogotá, as were William and Wilbur Velasco. But, as it turns out, they’re actually two sets of identical twins – Jorge and William, and Carlos and Wilbur. Confused yet? A hospital mix-up sent William and Carlos home with the wrong families as infants in what has to be the weirdest coincidence ever, not to mention the making of some very complicated family reunions. 

That’s our take on this week's biggest news stories – what do you think? Let us know in the comment section!

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