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5 Ways to Recycle Old Technology Blogs

Written by Melissa Salce | Oct 11, 2016 3:09:00 PM

Blogs have a reputation for being hungry beasts that always need to be fed with new content. And while it is true that readers want blogs that are full of fresh information, that doesn’t mean you have to struggle creating new content. Although technology develops at a rapid pace, there are several clever ways to recycle old technology blogs. But first, we still need to make sure that the audiance you are writing the blogs for, is still the right audiance. 


  1. Develop Evergreen Content

Even though it feels like all things technology-related evolve at a rapid pace, you can create evergreen content that will live forever. Before you think about rehashing old content, consider tech topics that will stand the test of time and remain relevant.

In fact, evergreen content is proven to hold up over time. In 2015, Vox refreshed and reposted older blog content. They promoted it as new on social media and discovered that not only did readers fail to notice, they didn’t seem to care; their “evergreen experiment” brought in more than half a million readers in five days!

  1. Link It Up

If you do have great evergreen content, take a hint from Vox and re-promote it. Next time you send out an email to your target audience, include a few links to relevant, timeless content. This way new readers will have the opportunity to check out your stuff, and avid fans can revisit items they may have missed. Plus, you can also promote an old post on social media by framing it in a new relevant way.

  1. Think Outside the Blog

Once you write a really good post, think about other ways people like to ingest information. Using information you already have, you can recycle old technology blogs into different media such as videos, podcasts, white papers, articles, and infographics. Infographics are amazingly popular, especially with the tech crowd who respond well to visual cues, not just text. In fact, infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than text alone, plus readers retain more information when text is combined with images.

  1. Post an Update

So, let’s say that you do have some content that is timely rather timeless (it is important to have a mix of both), you can still use that as a springboard to recycle old technology posts. For example, perhaps you wrote a review of the iPhone 6 when it was released. Well, as we all know the iPhone 7 just made its debut amidst some controversy (no headphone jack?!), so consider writing an updated post comparing the pros and cons of the two models with a link to the original story. This can work for nearly any timely tech topic, including new product releases and software updates.

  1. What’s Popular

Look at reader response, in the form of shares and comments, to previous blog posts and see what resonated with them. Specific topics and subjects that were significantly popular are perfect for recycling into other content forms, as mentioned above. And, don’t forget to look at other technology blogs to get a feel of what audiences want. This will help you develop evergreen content and trigger ideas about what to refresh and repurpose.

When looking at ways to recycle old technology blogs, don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit. While quality writing can stand the test of time, you can always try new ways to share what you have created. Repurposing content is a great way to diversify and disseminate relevant material to readers who are looking for information. Just don’t overdo it, if you thin content out too much it won’t hold weight; focus on the best content.