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5 Social Media Marketing Best Practices For Your Tech Company

Written by Jessica McWeeney | Apr 20, 2017 4:20:37 PM


With so much competition in the tech industry, your company is always looking for ways to stand out and reach your customers better. Most people spend 3 or more hours per day on social media, so if you want to reach your audience then that is where you want to be. Social media is a tool to not only reach your audience, but to build a relationship and community around your brand. You can show off your company’s personality and human side, while also demonstrating the value of your products or services.

Start getting social with these social media marketing best practices for your tech company.

  1. Limit Promotional Updates

Do you have that one friend that always seems to turn the conversation back to themselves? If you do, you’ll understand why this is something to avoid. Yes, sharing information about your tech company or even promotional offers is a component of your social media strategy, but it can’t be all you talk about. You don’t want to be pushing your products and messaging on people all the time. Remember your buyer personas and think about how to communicate and engage with them through your social platforms.


It’s also a good idea to use social media as a way to humanize your brand. Show your audience the people behind the logo. If you have a company event or activity, share a photo and let people see who you are. People buy from people, so don’t be afraid to let your personality come through.

  1. Share Quality Content

When you limit promotional posts, what should you share instead? The answer is relevant, high-quality content. You should always be trying to add value for your audience. Share original content from your blog or website, as well as content from outside sources on additional topics your audience will find of interest. This is also an opportunity for your company to establish itself as an industry authority, which can be especially valuable in an area like tech. Become the source people come to for information.

It’s also an important social media marketing best practice for your tech company to be consistent across your channels. Make sure your usernames and visuals are the same on all platforms so that your company is easy to find and recognize. Don’t forget to link to your social profiles on your blog and website.

  1. Switch Up The Update Type

If your company has a blog (and if you don’t, then you should because blogging can have a major impact on your business), then you should be promoting that content on social media. You should also be posting content from other relevant sources. However, switching things up should also be part of your strategy. Research shows that posts with images generate more interaction on social media, and video in particular gets more reach and engagement on Facebook, plus people love to share videos. Try a combination of links to your own and other content, images, videos and company updates or text posts to keep your social channels varied and interesting.

  1. Post Frequency

There is no one right answer for how often you should be posting on each social network, but there are some marketing best practices that your tech company can follow. You want to post frequently enough that your audience sees you as active and engaged, but not too often to become annoying. More often is not necessarily better.

On Facebook, 1 to 2 posts a day is good, for LinkedIn, about once a day during the week, and on Twitter, 5+ posts and up to 30 a day will work. You’ll want to test post frequency to determine what combination works best for your company and unique audience. Another thing to keep in mind is the lifetime of each post. On Twitter especially, tweets disappear rapidly, so you only have a short window in which to get the most engagement from your audience. This is also why you should reuse old blogs and repromote previous content. One way to approach this is by determining the best time to post your updates. Again, this is something you’ll want to test and monitor using your analytics.

  1. Be Part Of The Conversation (And Listen)

The social part of social media needs to be part of your strategy to achieve success. You can’t just do all the talking, you need to listen as well. According to Moz, “By looking at things like search queries and social conversations, you can begin to build the foundation of a solid content strategy. As you're sharing this content throughout your community, you should collect data on how your audience reacts to it and engages with it. Consider all of this data to be feedback on how you're doing.”

Use social listening to engage with your audience and look for opportunities to participate in a current conversation. Social media is about building relationships, so follow people back and respond to comments, messages and questions in a timely way, especially because more than 22% of millennials expect a response within 10 minutes of reaching out to a consumer brand, according to research by This is all part of building a community around your brand.