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4 Tips to Get Your Content Seen with Buzzsumo

Written by Gretchen Durning | Jul 23, 2015 6:00:03 PM

Getting your content noticed is the hardest, and arguably the most important, piece of marketing. “If you build it, they will come” only works in Hollywood’s version of life, so those of us living in the real world need to focus on other marketing strategies instead. But, it isn’t always easy to figure out what your audience will be excited to see. That is, not unless you know which tools will help you figure it out! Buzzsumo is one of those tools – it’s a site that tracks the top trending content on the web and gives you information about what type of content your audience wants to see. If that sounds exciting, keep reading, because we’re about to offer you 4 ways to get your content noticed by using Buzzsumo to its fullest potential: 

1. Topic Ideas
When you write blog posts daily, it can get harder and harder to come up with fresh and compelling content. But, with Buzzsumo, you’ll never run out of blog topics again! Check out their “Trending Now” section – you can filter the results by time frame and by topic, so it’s easy to look up the trending marketing articles from the past 24 hours. You can find out what content is getting the most traffic and shares, and use that knowledge to come up with compelling posts. 

2. Content and Formatting
It isn’t always smooth sailing once you have a topic for your blog; you still need to write the content, figure out the formatting, and come up with a title. And, catchy blog titles don’t just appear out of thin air. If you want to see what types of titles and formats have worked best for the topic you’ve chosen, Buzzsumo can help. By searching for your topic in the “Most Shared” section, you can see examples of articles about your topic that have done well. Look at the tone, the images, and the title used in each post to figure out what they have in common – the elements they share are most likely the keys to their success. 

Note that without paying for a Buzzsumo Pro account, you’re limited to four searches a day on the “Most Shared” feature, so use those searches wisely! 

3. Find Influencers
One of the best promotional tactics is having influencers in the field promote your content for you. Buzzsumo has an “Influencers” feature that allows you to find leaders who’ve shared certain types of content. Knowing who the industry thought leaders are lets you reach out to them, which can benefit you if you’re smart. Don’t spam them asking for likes and shares; build a relationship first. 

4. Reciprocal Relationships
While you’re making new connections with those influencers, consider teaming up with other contributors, as well. Use Buzzsumo to find other people and companies like yourself and your own business, and reach out to them. You can start a tradition of guest posting on each other’s blogs, and mutually promote each other to your audiences. 

Don’t let your great content stay hidden in the depths of the Internet. Follow our advice and get your content seen with Buzzsumo!

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