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3 Tips to Becoming an Industry Leader with Social Sharing

Written by Patrick Marre | Oct 28, 2014 5:06:00 PM

You have just written your first blog post for your brand new start-up and now it’s posted to your webpage. You filled in all the proper keywords, inserted your call-to-action, and put an awesome, relevant image in the post, but your viewership isn’t growing. Nobody seems to be landing on your page and spreading your brilliant knowledge. So, what do you do next? How do you drive more people to view your blog and learn about your new start-up? The answer is social sharing. Utilize social media to spread the word. How will you do that? Well, it's simple.  Follow these 3 tips to successful social sharing (alliteration unintended).

  1. Give the Option to Share

First things first, if you want people to share your website, make it easy.  Place like and share buttons on all your pages. One click and your post has been linked to all sorts of networks. Now you can sit back and watch the viewership grow.

  1. Take Part in the Sharing

You are looking at your new post and you know people are seeing it, but the little numbers next to the Facebook and Twitter buttons don’t seem to be increasing. Do you just sit there refreshing your page every five seconds, praying to the social media gods that your somebody will share your page? I don’t think so. Be the first to like and share your pages and get your employees to do the same. Nobody wants to be the first to share, so go ahead and get the ball rolling. 

  1. The More You Share the Higher You Rank

Search engines look for valuable, relevant information to show on their result pages. So when Google is creating a ranking of results they want information that is being shared throughout the web. Push your information out to your network and encourage your network to share your pages to their network. Before you know it you will be at the top of Google’s results page.

By sharing your information and knowledge, you can quickly become seen as an expert in your industry and become the go-to for information. So go out and reap the benefits of social sharing on your way to become an innovator.