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This Week's Prominent Post-Its

Written by Katie Constantine | Feb 26, 2016 4:50:14 PM

Hello and welcome to the beauty that is Friday! That's right, it's time to close those 50 tabs you've had open all week, kick your feet up, and catch up on all that has been happening this week. And oh boy do we have some news for you. Get a taste of it all with our prominent post-its:

Fuller House, Fuller Heart

All the 90’s kids can rejoice, or cringe, this weekend because the reboot of Full House has arrived! Today the entire first season of Fuller House is being released on Netflix. The premise follows a very similar one to the original series, except with some gender flips. Much of the original cast will be back, but there are two faces that will be missing. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have decided to opt out of the show saying producers never approached them, but Uncle Jesse says otherwise. What we say? How rude! But no matter what, if you’re looking for some heart-warming nostalgia this weekend, grab your popcorn and hug your golden retriever because it’s binge-watching time.

Agent SeaWorld Reporting For Duty

Apparently the company that has been getting a bad rep since the release of Blackfish has now turned to a life of undercover spying. It seems like someone over there has been watching a little too much Ace Ventura because on Thursday SeaWorld’s CEO came clean about making employees go undercover to infiltrate the ranks of PETA. The CEO claims they’re putting an end to the missions, but they're secret agents now so who knows what’s true. What was PETA’s response? A big sigh and eye roll. Apparently it’s been pretty obvious who the people from SeaWorld were because they would continually try to stir up trouble and encourage illegal behavior. It seems like it could be time for SeaWorld to float away; hold the bon voyage.

Supreme Courting: A Love-Hate Story

Wait for it…wait for it…wait for it…no thank you. That’s basically what the progression of appointing a new Supreme Court Justice has looked like after the recent death of Justice Antonin Scalia. This week GOP senators have declared that they refuse to meet with possible candidates that the President, per his right, has picked out. This historic blockage is backed by the argument that the next president should be the one to choose because the GOP senators are crossing their fingers it will be a Republican. Cue uproar from everybody else who is sick of the gridlock that has plagued the U.S. government for the past 12 years. Normally it takes 67 days to choose a new justice. What will happen with an incomplete Supreme Court? Who knows, but hopefully we won’t have to spend the year finding it out. 

Sunday Night Football: Movie Star Style

The other week it was all about the singers, but now the movie stars are taking back the carpet. The 88th Academy Awards will take place on Sunday and amid the controversy that's been surrounding the show, there is some good news! The show's producers have made some changes so we don’t have to spend half the time listening to faceless thank you's. Now after someone wins, the bottom of the screen will depict a scrolling list of everyone who helped the recipient on their journey. That way there’s more room for happy tears and cheering on, let's be honest, both ends of the TV. What should you look for throughout the night? Leo finally winning an Oscar and being hugged by Kate Winslet, as well as Chris Rock calling out the Academy on their lack of diversity. It’s going to be a passionate show!

Google Subtracts Ads

Are you wondering why your Google search seems different, but you can’t quite put your mouse on it? Let your eyes drift over to the right side of the page. Doesn’t it feel empty? That’s because there are no more sidebar ads! Instead, Google will put an extra ad at the top of popular searches so there will be four links you can accidentally click instead of three. This will impact every type of desktop worldwide and will make the mobile view and desktop view more cohesive. Though such a change may be sudden for us, Google has been testing these variations since 2010 to see what gains the most revenue without being intrusive. Some say fewer ads will cause costs to go up, but not everyone agrees. Either way, it’s bad news for businesses that advertise on the sidebar, but good for those that want a top slot because the addition of a fourth could lower rates. To the companies that have to move from the sidebar and attempt to get a top or bottom link, may the odds be ever in your favor.

That is your recap for the week! I know, there's a lot going on, but at least you have time to relax now. So enjoy your weekend and meet us back here next week for even more exciting news.

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