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Prominent Post-Its

Written by Katie Constantine | Jan 22, 2016 4:02:23 PM

This week was filled with new findings and hilarious speeches. Not to mention, Valentine's Day came early for some of us thanks to one of our favorite TV couples! What an adventure this week has taken us on! For your recap, take a look at these prominent post-its!

Move Over Pluto, There’s A New Planet In Town

That’s right friends! Pluto has been annexed and replaced with a fresh new face in our solar system. A new planet that is believed to be 10 times heavier than earth has been discovered. People have very rationally deemed it Planet 9 because it’s the 9th planet in our solar system. I guess there wasn't a celebrity mom available during the naming process. Oh the possibilities that were lost! The planet hasn’t actually been seen by anyone, but the objects that appear to be orbiting it suggest that it has the gravitational pull of a planet. Poor Pluto; always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Winter Storm Jonas: Not The Title Of The New Jonas Brothers Album

Good luck to all you avid Walmart shoppers out there because with this weekend’s forecast, there isn’t going to be much of anything left on the shelves. Supposedly, 50 million people are under blizzard alert for winter storm Jonas, but here in Boston, the one place that is equipped to handle such a storm, we’re only going to get 2-3 inches. Primarily Virginia, Maryland, New York, Kentucky and Pennsylvania are all going to get pounded with snow and ice. Those poor southern states! They don’t know how to handle this. My advice? Crack open the board games because it’s time to fight off cabin fever.  

Females Deemed Fit To Coach Football- Finally

No this isn’t a headline I got out of a 1960’s newspaper. 2016 will be known in history as the first time a woman was made a full-time female coach for the NFL. To think, it only took Kathryn Smith 12 years of working under Rex Ryan to gain a promotion, and of course however long the NFL has been avasive towards letting women into their boys club. So all in all, it took 96 years to get her to that position, but Kathryn Smith will be a name that goes down in history. Congrats girl!

Sarah Palin + Donald Trump = Match Made In SNL Heaven

Oh, you know SNL is going to have a field day with this pairing! Sarah Palin stepped away from her at-home Russia-watching post to come out this week to endorse Donald Trump on his campaign for the White House. She had some interesting things to say, but none of them actually made sense so here is a decoding of her most colorful statements from her speech. Maybe she still thinks she’s on a reality show, though I think a reality show would be accused of being scripted faster than that speech would. At least we get some interesting drama out of it and hopefully another appearance from Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL!

Jim And Pam’s Love: An Office Relationship On And Off Screen

Jenna Fischer, who played Pam on The Office, has finally confirmed what all us fans have always dreamt of hearing! In an interview this week, she very confidently stated that there is a part of her and a part of John Krasinski, the actor who played Jim, that is in love and always will be in love with each other. The Valentine’s Day Gods have smiled upon us all! Unfortunately, she goes on to say that in real life, there is more to their personalities than just Jim and Pam and therefore they don’t completely fit as a couple. Let’s just ignore that second part though and bask in the happiness that is the inkling of real life Jim and Pam love.

So there you have it! This week’s Prominent Post-its and my, what a week it has been! Enjoy your Friday and if you’re not safely located in Boston, make sure to stay safe from the storm!

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