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Mastering the Art of the LinkedIn Invitation

Written by Alex Watts | Sep 10, 2014 5:06:00 PM

"I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn"

This is the default message for a LinkedIn invitation—and people actually use it. I must say that I've been guilty of using it myself. After all, it doesn't matter what you say to get the connections, as long as you rack them up. Right?

Not exactly. You should think of networking on LinkedIn like networking in real life. When you meet someone at an event, do you tell them "I'd like to add you to my professional network"?  

You don't because you're not a robot. Extend your personality to LinkedIn and master the invitation with these 5 tips

1) Be Honest

The common perception is that you should only connect with people you already know. But what if you don't know a whole lot of industry professionals? That's OK. Just be truthful about it. You could tell the person that you're interested in working for their company and would like some insights. Gain respect by communicating openly.

2) If you know them, explain how

Don't settle for the multiple choice answer of how you know Greg. Tell Greg that it was great to meet him at the technology conference. We all meet a lot of people, so be specific and jog Greg's memory.

3) Show genuine interest

While we're still talking about Greg, tell him that you enjoyed his presentation on mobile apps. He'll appreciate that you remembered something specific about him.

4) Position what you do

While your LinkedIn profile already says this in the headline, don't make the person read the name tag. Communicate your expertise directly.

5) Be appreciative

Thank the person in advance for agreeing to connect. Furthermore, offer to help them in any way possible. Make it clear that you're looking to establish a meaningful connection instead of just trying to get something.   

If there's one thing to take away from this, it's to personalize at every turn. We all seek genuine relationships—those are the ones that benefit our lives the most, after all. So get connecting! You could start by sending us an invitation.