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Increase Your Email Opens and Click-Throughs in 3 Steps

Written by Meaghan Moraes | Oct 12, 2015 7:53:00 PM

Email marketing is harder now than it has ever been. Your ideal customers’ inboxes are stuffed with your competition and it’s challenging to get as many email opens and click-throughs as you’d like. So, how can you fix this problem? Here are 3 key steps to increasing your open and click-throughs! 

  1. Write Magnetic Subject Lines
This may seem obvious, but it’s the first important step to standing out and enticing. For example, if your email subject line reads:“How to Make a Best-Selling Product,” change it to something more magnetic, like “Make Your Product Sexier than Scarlet Johansson,” and see the difference in open rate. Email marketers have to take risks, creatively. 
  1. Find Your Best Email Frequency
Finding your best email frequency is just that: finding YOURS; it’s really based on what works for you after testing, testing, testing! Aim to build relationships with people on your list. If you want to gain more customers, you need to interact with your contacts multiple times. Provide value to your subscribers over time by taking them through the following stages: 
  • Value Addiction stage - Provide awesome content within a very short time frame. Hook your subscribers from the beginning by sending many useful emails in a short amount of time (One email every 2 days is ideal.). This stage should last about 10-15 days.
  • Sticking stage - Slow down your autoresponder frequency. You can send one email every 3-4 days or so. This will give your readers the feeling that they are “missing” your content, so you’ll maintain a high open rate. You can start selling your products, but few people are likely to buy from you in this stage.
  • Rapport stage - Slow down your email frequency. You want to spread your content over a long time, like every 4-5 days. If your subscribers reach this stage, then you have built a good connection with them. You must keep providing great content to strengthen your relationships. This stage should start 20 days out or more. The idea is to deepen the connection with your subscribers, so you need longer intervals and fewer pieces of content.
  • Loyal stage - You just have to provide content to keep your relationships with your subscribers. Send one email every 5-6 days or so.
  1. Offer a Second Lead Magnet
You need to instantly give your first magnet to subscribers because you want to provide a huge amount of value very soon. That it is essential for starting off the relationship strong. Then, make sure to mention that you are giving away your second lead magnet within your email series, so people will understand that they need to open your emails to get your content. Break your second lead magnet into as many parts as you need to cover the time of your smart autoresponder frequency.

These three tips will help you tailor your content, offers, staging, and frequencies to a tune that works best for you. Keep on testing, and you’ll achieve an email strategy that’ll make your open and click-through rates skyrocket!

Now that you understand how to attract customers via email, here's how to gain customers on Facebook!