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7 Tips to Resurrect Old Blog Traffic

Written by Meaghan Moraes | Jun 2, 2015 6:19:38 PM

Consistent content creation seems to be the fuel driving inbound marketing, each new piece carefully optimized and promoted – and then it’s over and onto the next one. If you look back at the number of blog posts you’ve created over the past year, it’s surely a decent amount. Many of those are just as worthy of attention today as they were when they were first published. So, why let them just sit when you can repurpose them and increase traffic? Here, we’ll offer 7 key tips to increase traffic to your old blog posts.


  1. Create a roundup post.


If you write on the same topics repeatedly, you have enough to create a roundup post. Gather your posts on a specific topic and publish their links along with titles and a short description. Then, add a new introduction and summary and you’re good!


  1. Re-optimize.


Take some old posts and refresh them with current keywords and optimize the titles and any images in the posts. Then, let them back out there on the Internet and see how their visibility improves in search engines.


  1. Make your images ideal for Pinterest.


It’s possible that you have any number of posts with images or infographics that went out before Pinterest really started to take off. Take those pieces and reformat them so that they look better on Pinterest. This is great for lists, vertical images, and infographics. The more social media exposure, the better – especially when your content works well visually.


  1. Make throwbacks relevant.


It’s completely acceptable to promote old blog posts in your newsletter. Pull out golden oldies to show progress that’s been made in your industry or older ideas that have made a comeback. You can also speak about a New Year’s predictions post, for example, and discuss whether or not you were on point.


  1. Back link.


If you are writing about a subject with elements that have already been explained in a previous blog post, link back to it in your new post. Get some more out of those older posts instead of writing about the same thing again. Another great place where you can link back to older posts is from guest blogs within your niche. This can help you widen your reach and increase old blog traffic.


  1. Promote on social.


Even if you’ve promoted posts on social media already, you can always promote then again later on. Social streams are constantly moving so take advantage of that and get your posts seen by new eyes.


  1. Promote on your blog.


Add a sidebar of popular posts onto your blog. This helps you stay up-to-date with how many times a post has been visited without you having to do any deep digging.


Posting blogs frequently takes a lot of energy, so save some by reusing old posts and recycling ideas. Each blog post is valuable, so get the most you can out of each one!

Want more blogging tips? This free e-book is an excellent place to start.