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4 Steps to Boost Your Medical Device Sales

Written by Nick LeBlanc | Nov 5, 2015 10:00:00 PM
Do you want to sell more medical devices?  Do you feel like you’re wasting time and energy creating cold-call lists and paper mailers that show little-to-no-return?  Many medical device companies are swiftly realizing that inbound marketing is the simple solution to these problems.  Before we look at HOW inbound marketing can improve your medical device sales, let’s look at WHAT it does:


Inbound marketing is focused on attracting people to where they want to be, its methodology being to focus on creating content that aligns with your customers’ interests.  Oftentimes, this content takes the form of things like blogs, ebooks, podcasts, and social media marketing. This type of customer-centric content draws interested parties towards your company, generating inbound traffic that you can convert, close, and delight over time. This means no more exhausting your resources over expensive ads or purchased email lists – those are now things of the past.


It’s very simple, really!  The medical device field is particularly suited for this style of marketing, in fact.  Here are 4 easy steps you can take to get started:


What can you share that educates your audience?  What is it that you have that they don’t already know, or haven’t heard yet?  If you can make your company stand out amidst the competition as a valuable resource for information, then customers are likely to share your information.  It is often this peer-to-peer sharing that causes companies to see the largest jumps in their site traffic. Word of mouth has always been a strong marketing tool.  Inbound marketing techniques help you organically spread that word about your company throughout social media and the Internet.  As long as you are remarkable and interesting, customers will be quickly spreading the word for you!


Start generating content.  Write some blogs about relevant topics, and record interviews with experts in the field.  Build a backlog of content that can be rolled out over time. Customers will appreciate the steady flow of information.  If you’re offering something new every day, they will have all the more reason to return!Have standards.  To a customer, the type of marketing content you generate will be indicative of the product you sell (your medical devices).  If your blogs are poorly written and edited, or if your podcast has low production value, it may seem like you are running a ramshackle operation.  This is especially damaging in the medical device field where your product deeply affects the quality of life for many thousands of people.


Using short headlines that include strategic keywords, and constructing your content into easily digestible formats – such as lists or short videos – will enhance your company’s presence in search engines.  Customers are far more likely to click on an article titled, “5 Reasons Company X’s Device Will Save Your Life,” than, “Long Term Analytic Tests Show That Company X’s Device Will Increase the Likelihood of Continued Survival in Humans.” Be sure that your titles and keywords reflect the quality of your content.  Don’t be afraid to stimulate and challenge your reader/viewership.  Give your customers credit; they’re viewing your material for a reason!

Find something that works, and then repeat it.  Customers like to see reliability in content.  If you find that list-based articles are receiving the most views, stick to that.  If it seems like your podcast or ebook series is really taking off, then double down on that style of marketing.  This will help you trim the fat on your marketing efforts and focus more on the generation of quality content.


Apart from the quality information you are providing your customer with, you might want to consider offering something for “free” on your website.  This can be anything – maybe an invitation to a presentation of your newest medical device, or perhaps a “membership” to the newsletter for your “elite customer base." The goal is to make your customers feel like your relationship with them is rewarding.  Every time they interact with you, they should take away more knowledge, or maybe even an opportunity to take advantage of one of your “special offers.”  Your customers are the reason you are in business; they deserve a reward for that!

As you can see, Inbound marketing lays out a clear path for you to improve your business.  Remember, you are in the medical device business, a field of highly educated people who are seeking highly educated and engaging content.  Give the people what they want!

Want more insight on how to ramp up your inbound marketing for your healthcare organization? Learn everything you need to know in our free white paper!