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4 Must-Know Truths About LinkedIn

Written by Meaghan Moraes | Apr 29, 2015 3:52:00 PM

You know that LinkedIn has become one the most important and prevalent resources for professional networking available – but there are some things about LinkedIn that you undoubtedly don’t know. Here, we’ll list 4 truths about LinkedIn that should be on your radar!


  1. Not everyone on LinkedIn wants to network.

New LinkedIn users sometimes get excited about the notion of making new connections, and start reaching out to people they haven't met before. While some users also love the idea of meeting new people and connecting with strangers, others are offended by it, and may feel as if their privacy has been disrespected if they receive such a request. Obviously, you want to avoid such a scenario, as it could irritate a potential connection. Instead, focus on connecting with people you've already met, or connections of people you've already met. Make sure to let each potential connection know how you found them, and why you want to connect with them.

  1. People will judge you based on your profile.

Your profile is the first thing your new connection will look at, and if you haven't met in person before, it's going to form their first impression of you. Building a strong profile is the best way to leave your new (and potential) connections with positive thoughts of you. What exactly makes a good profile? Some fundamentals include: 

  • Make sure your profile photo is a professional-looking headshot where you look your best.
  • Fill out your profile with as much detailed information as you can without becoming long-winded and boastful.
  • Include personal recommendations from others, if possible.
  1. Your personal brand should be treated like a brand. 

As you network more on LinkedIn and engage in different discussions with different people, your audience and your network should all receive a consistent experience. That means your image, your personality, and even your language need to be in sync with each other. Developing your personal brand will give people the consistent, desirable experience they want, and eventually, they'll want to come back to you to repeat that experience. It's good to show some of your unique personality, but do remember that LinkedIn isn't a place to make emotional or personal updates; it's a professional network, first and foremost. 

  1. A personal touch goes a long way. 

Just like in real life, people on LinkedIn crave personal acknowledgement, and if you give it to them, you'll wind up in their good graces. You'll want to start each possible connection on a note of personal interaction. When you request to connect with a new person, write them a message about why that connection is important to you, and include personal details so the other person knows you're being sincere. Then, follow up with your connections on a regular basis. Take every opportunity you can to build your relationship with tiny personal touches. Over time, your connection will grow much stronger.

These key points will help you become more familiar with the way LinkedIn works and the best ways to reach out to more connections. Now, you'll be able to build your network of professional relationships and take advantage of everything the platform has to offer.